How ICF helped emerging markets achieve clean development goals
Often referred to as “the first fuel in the race for a sustainable future,” energy efficiency is a critical pillar in USAID’s support for the developing world. The Energy Efficiency for Clean Development Program (EECDP) was a cooperative agreement formed in March 2011 between ICF and USAID. It provided tools and replicable strategies for energy efficiency in emerging markets, supported by the department’s Leader Awards and Associate Awards.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Integrate energy efficiency into buildings and infrastructure in developing countries, preventing expensive energy consumption and the need for costly retrofits in the future.
Develop frameworks, technical tools, and strategies for improving energy efficiency across sectors and bolstering energy efficiency investment in emerging markets.
EECDP stimulated economic growth, lowered costs for consumers, and enhanced energy security in developing countries across the world. By increasing energy efficiency investments, the program decreased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and created jobs—all while reducing reliance on imported fuels. We developed the Promoting an Energy Efficient Public Sector (PePS) Resource Guide as a flagship component of these efforts, providing USAID with a detailed look at strategies and success stories for government action on energy efficiency.
USAID energy efficiency toolkit
ICF developed a “toolkit” that contains the basics of energy efficiency technology and tools, designing policy and projects, and evaluating costs and benefits. It enabled USAID staff to:
- Discuss the energy efficiency program and technology opportunities with stakeholders.
- Determine the local opportunity and role of energy efficiency and how it can be used to accomplish goals for cost savings, economic development, and emission reductions.
- Learn about strategies that have been successful in similar markets.
- Develop an energy efficiency program that delivers the desired results.
Energy efficiency opportunity study
We also completed a study to reveal the best energy efficiency investments in seven emerging markets. The framework acknowledged political and market realities and focused on strategies with the greatest impact. The findings served as reference points, providing insight and guidance for targeting energy efficiency programs in similar markets.
Opportunity assessment tool
ICF created user-friendly software to support this study, the USAID Opportunity Assessment Tool. We encoded its analytical framework to identify investments to scale-up energy efficiency. Its flexible design allows USAID and other stakeholders to update and expand its functionality as work continues.
The tool provides a simple visual interface for recording information and delivering an analysis of programs with the highest potential for savings and the greatest likelihood of success. An additional feature is the energy efficiency building block analysis, which helps focus efforts on barriers determined by user input. It offers solutions such as educating banks about the return on investment of efficiency projects.
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Integrated Resource and Resilience Planning (IRRP)
Developing economies are ideally positioned to incorporate climate and hazard resilience into long-term energy planning. The use of comprehensive climate models allows these countries to integrate best practices into frameworks for power generation, transmission, and distribution.
ICF’s Integrated Resource and Resilience Planning (IRRP) is a robust method of strategic planning that simulates cost-effective scenarios based on power generation options, projected transmission needs, and anticipated energy demand. It expands on standard processes that fail to include climate and resiliency.
March 2017 USAID IRRP Workshop
March 2017 USAID IRRP Workshop Presentations
March 2017 USAID IRRP Workshop Agenda & Speaker Bios
Dec 2015 USAID Infrastructure Workshop
Success stories across the world
Ghana IRRP
From April 2016 to 2018, USAID supported a comprehensive power sector assessment in Ghana with assistance from ICF. The work informed investments in generation, transmission and distribution, and demand reductions—finding cost-effective solutions that drive low-emission economic growth.
Tanzania IRRP
The USAID IRRP program in Tanzania—which took place from July 2015 to July 2018—incorporated risks and reliability concerns associated with climate impacts into long term power sector planning. It focused on stakeholder collaboration and delivered technical training. Energy efficiency and green building support are now lowering electricity load, reducing generation needs, costs, and emissions.
Transmission and distribution in the DRC
The EECDP performed an energy supply assessment for four major population centers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): Kikwit, Kananga, Tshikapa, and Mbuji-Mayi. To improve long-term electricity access, we calculated current and projected future supply sources and peak demands—identifying five transmission solutions. By developing conceptual plans to enhance transmission and distribution infrastructure, ICF helped expand energy access for these inland cities.
Southeast Asia regional energy performance benchmarking for the building sector
Partnering with an ongoing energy efficiency program at USAID Indonesia, ICF developed a common building rating system centered on the hospitality sector. We trained hotel industry building owners and operators on energy performance strategies. The benchmarking tool provides information on relative energy performance to enable owners to target buildings with the highest potential for energy-saving improvements.
Central Asian Energy Efficiency Support Program (CAEESP)
USAID supported assistance in Kazakhstan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity by stimulating investments in energy efficiency technologies and projects, regional workshops, training, building audits, and strong collaborations with local programs and the private sector built capacity for sustained investment in energy efficiency practices.
Energy efficiency knowledge portal for Central Asia
Developed to share energy efficiency best practices across the region, the portal includes an interactive education platform and equipment database to establish a comprehensive local resource. It reduces information barriers to stimulate energy efficiency investment. ICF collaborated with the Central Asia Regional Environmental Center (CAREC) to maintain and grow the portal over time.
Partnership for growth—Energy efficiency in Tanzania and Ghana
Direct technical assistance and training were provided to utilities in Tanzania and Ghana to support each country’s Joint Country Action Plan (JCAP) to address power shortages and load shedding practices. In Tanzania, metered customer data analysis helped assess potential energy and peak demand savings. Demand-side management (DSM) programs and a time-of-use rate structure for industrial sectors in both countries are now in place to lower overall electricity demand.
Bangladesh industrial energy efficiency opportunities assessment
Our work helped reduce both energy demand and reliance on high-polluting back-up generators among Bangladesh’s key industrial sectors. We identified and prioritized cost-effective energy-saving measures through customized best practice benchmarking, then bundled together attractive capital investment opportunities for financial institutions. USAID Bangladesh used the project results to launch the main component of their country-wide clean energy program.