Tony DeJulio
Tony serves as project manager and provides senior quality assurance and quality control for CEQA documentation throughout southern California. He provides comprehensive project management experience with large, programmatic environmental compliance projects. Tony has extensive experience with large, programmatic environmental compliance projects, including preparation of CEQA documents, mitigation monitoring programs, and environmental reporting documents, as well as management of in-house staff resources and sub-consultants. He has also prepared many environmental compliance presentations for clients, regulatory agencies, and stakeholder meetings. Some of his major clients have included the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, PG&E, the Department of the Navy, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the Port of Los Angeles, and the Orange County Sanitation District.
- Environment
- Environmental planning and development
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental regulatory compliance
Environmental streamlining
Post-Graduate Work, Environmental Studies, California State University, Fullerton
B.S., Environmental Science, University of California, Riverside