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About ICF
Kerri Snyder
Senior Transportation and Environmental Planner
Kerri has nearly 20 years of experience helping agencies advance transportation planning programs and promote sustainable, equitable project development.
Kerri Snyder (AICP, ENV-SP) has nearly 20 years of experience in transportation and environmental planning. She began her career with a large architecture and engineering firm navigating federal and state environmental review processes for transportation and development projects, such as interstate improvements, interchange projects, and transit/rail projects.
Kerri has an in-depth understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and is a specialist in evaluating indirect and cumulative effects under NEPA. Kerri’s framework for the indirect and cumulative effects analysis in the Rebuild by Design Meadowlands environmental impact statement was highlighted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as an example for the New York State Governor's Office of Storm Recovery to use in their assessments for their Rebuild by Design program (Superstorm Sandy Recovery).
Kerri has led numerous research studies for the Federal Highway Administration and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program and has developed guidebooks, toolkits, and other resources related to environmental justice and tolling and implementing context-sensitive solutions. She also has experience with the assumption of NEPA assignments, communicating environmental commitments on design-build projects, developing communications to advance priced managed lanes projects, maintaining HOV emphasis on priced managed lanes, and innovative funding and finance strategies for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Kerri is passionate about environmental justice, cumulative effects, and transportation equity and seeks to use the knowledge she gained through national research efforts to support state departments of transportation in transportation planning.
Kerri has an in-depth understanding of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and is a specialist in evaluating indirect and cumulative effects under NEPA. Kerri’s framework for the indirect and cumulative effects analysis in the Rebuild by Design Meadowlands environmental impact statement was highlighted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as an example for the New York State Governor's Office of Storm Recovery to use in their assessments for their Rebuild by Design program (Superstorm Sandy Recovery).
Kerri has led numerous research studies for the Federal Highway Administration and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program and has developed guidebooks, toolkits, and other resources related to environmental justice and tolling and implementing context-sensitive solutions. She also has experience with the assumption of NEPA assignments, communicating environmental commitments on design-build projects, developing communications to advance priced managed lanes projects, maintaining HOV emphasis on priced managed lanes, and innovative funding and finance strategies for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Kerri is passionate about environmental justice, cumulative effects, and transportation equity and seeks to use the knowledge she gained through national research efforts to support state departments of transportation in transportation planning.
Areas of expertise
- Transportation
- Transportation planning and performance
Equity and inclusion
- Environmental impact assessment
Environmental streamlining
- Environmental transportation
M.S., University of Oklahoma
B.S., University of Oklahoma